Weekend Trip Packing Ideas: What to Take with You on a Getaway

Weekend Trip Packing Ideas: What to Take with You on a Getaway 1

We all have gone through the stage of running short of weekend trip packing ideas when we just didn’t know what to take with us. The feeling of getting away from your hectic and boring routine is impeccable. There is nothing more fun than knowing you don’t have to wake up early to an alarm or head to your school. This is why weekend trips are essential in order to keep oneself sane and at peace. But things have the chances of going wrong if you don’t have the right things with you on a trip.

Of course, no one would like to go under the trouble of buying new clothes all together. The best way is to prepare a list beforehand and keep all the things in your suitcase at least a week ago. Need help? Consider the following options.

Leggings or Pants

It is essential to pack travel pants along with you. Our weekend trip packing ideas include leggings as the top most must-have because no one would want to sleep in skin tight jeans at night. Leggings can be worn as a style or a comforter in your hotel room. Check this pair of leggings from Macys and get up to 40% off.


Dress can come handy for both parties and morning walk around your visited town. If you are traveling with your significant other then it could be your savior on a date night. Banana Republic have some amazing dress up on sale. You can even get more discount by using Banana Republic Promo Code: BRCARD if you have a Gap Inc. Card.


Shoes can range from a pair of hot high heels to comfortable shoes. Here, our prime focus is comfy shoes. If your trip involves a lot of adventures then we urge you to must pack a nice pair of Alpartgatas from TOMS. You can sport around this pair any where you want – from morning till night – all clock long.


You can pack a multiple party essentials but if you are truly in the mood of owning your rough country side then pack for things that are your comforters. A t-shirt or two is a must to have. Don’t restrict wearing a t-shirt and jeans only inside your hotel room. You can even wear it around while sightseeing. Try this Ralph Lauren t-shirt that is available on discount, just for $34!

Our weekend trip packing ideas also include a nice pair of jeans and sunglasses. So you can beat the heat in style!

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