Tips & Ideas You Need for an Amazing Party Outdoors

Tips For Outdoor Party

Summer is here. For some it is the best season, for other it is the worst. People who are not actually fond of the sunny weather often have a lot of things to complain about. The arguments mostly start with “but how can you love a season that leaves you sweaty every now and then? Don’t you get tired of using deodorants after taking stairs everyday at the office? Doesn’t it make you lazy to go to the gym in summers? I mean, how can you possibly workout when you are sweating head to toe?”

While these questions or arguments are valid by all means, there are still ways you can cool off the heat by implementing some genius yet easy tactics. Following are some of our favorite hacks that we think everyone should keep up in their sleeves for the summer season.

Sweat Stains

It is quite embarrassing to find out that your white shirt has visible yellow sweat stains, especially when you are attending any public event. But it is something inescapable and we all experience it almost every summer. So, what to do? A nice way to say goodbye to these dirty little spots is by spraying lemon juice in the affected area before putting your clothing into washing machine. They will come out as good as new.

Keeping Spare Shirt and A Deodorant At Work Place

This advice is for all seasons but it is most effective during summers because god knows how it happens but getting the chances of staining your shirt just doubled up around summers. And none of us would want to attend the next important meeting with a gigantic mark of food or sweat right in front of your shirt. The best way to escape from such disastrous event is by keeping an extra shirt in office. And while you are at it, a nice spare deodorant will also save the day! Since it is summer, many marvelous clothing stores have some eye-popping discount clearance offer. Try Macys if you are looking for spare shirts in reasonable prices.

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Expires on : 2017-06-20

Deodorant to Help Prevent Bad Odor in Shoes

A lot of us prefer to go sock-less during summers to avoid sweaty foot that eventually start to smell bad. But going sock-less also comes with a price as it might result in skin chafing. To avoid that, try adding a little deodorant around the sides of your feet. This will do two things at a time: it will keep your feet from causing friction, and it will confiscate the chances of having bad odor altogether.

Handkerchief Comes Handy

Don’t think keeping a rag in your pocket is old-fashioned. It comes handy during a lot of situation when tissues are not quite available. Not only does a handkerchief can help you dry off the sweat from your face but if it is pressed against your pulse points like neck, elbow, temple, and wrists, your body can quickly cool off and you can feel less heat-struck.The aforementioned hacks are life-saviors. They all are inexpensive and also easy to navigate. If all else fail, pack your backs and head north during your summer holidays. A cool area will cool you down just the right way.


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