Online Shopping Tips, Tricks & Hacks To Save Money

Online Shopping Tips, Tricks And Hacks To Save Money

Online shopping is becoming more and more popular as retailers and shops are putting their businesses online. Shopping experience can be better if you know online shopping tips, tricks and hacks to save money on your online purchases.

Online Shopping Tips, Tricks And Hacks To Save Money

Learn how to save money when shopping online with these cool money saving tips and tricks.

Add To Cart But Don’t Complete Checkout

Browse through your favorite retailer website and add items to your cart. Provide your details like Name, Email, Phone, Address etc but don’t pay right away. Close the website. All big retailers and online shops know which shoppers didn’t complete their orders while they have items in the cart.

Normally you will be getting an email or a text message, offering you discount that is exclusively for you so you can visit the cart and pay them.

Alternatively, you can wait for the sale and then buy the items at a lower price.

Don’t Pay The Shipping Fee

These days, majority of the online shops and retailers offer free shipping on certain threshold. For example, free shipping on $25+ orders. Be a smart shopper and look for that retailer’s free shipping coupon code. If you can’t find one, and assuming you are $5 short of getting free shipping, it’s better to add an item that over $5 instead of paying extra $$ for product shipping. Retailers like Shindigz, TOMS Shoes, Bed Bath And Beyond etc offer free shipping on certain thresholds.

Grab Discounts During Mid Of The Week

Majority of the shoppers buy over the weekend and there is a big percentage of people who plan in advance for the weekend shopping. It’s good practice to visit your favorite retailer website between Tuesday and Thursday. These are the days when you can get extra discount either using coupon code, promo code or a sale event.

Take Extra Discount With Email Sign Up

Retailers now are offering incentive to shoppers who subscribe to their email or SMS alerts. Some of these offer discount on your next orders when you sign up while others offer instant discounts.

Ask For Extra Discount

Items sitting in store’s warehouse are not a good sign for the store owners. Take advantage and call customer service or sales person. Negotiate with them to get some extra discount on your order. Ask for special discount in terms of coupon code or promo code, and whether it is stack-able or not. It’s very important that you speak with a human and not browse through FAQ or knowledge base.

Accumulate Reward Points

Look for ways where you can get reward points for your purchases. For example, Walmart offers reward points when you shop online. You can use these points at a later date to get free items.

Price Match

Some retailers like Best Buy, Target, Home Depot etc offer price match guarantee. You can call their customer support or speak with sales person for additional discount or accumulate extra points so you can use them later. Don’t think that retailers will not offer extra discount. Majority will because they want to do business with you again.

Social Media Exclusive Discount

Popular brands and retailers offer social media followers exclusive discount. It can be a fix dollar discount or a percentage off on certain threshold or a free shipping offer in terms of coupon code. Like / Follow the brand page and once you get the discount, you can Un-Like/Un-follow if you don’t want to receive further notifications.

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